Water to Winnals Park is provided by South East Water.

For consumer convenience South East Water is also billing for wastewater services, but does not provide this service - this is Southern Water’s responsibility.

Water is distributed to apartments though the internal vertical shafts that are also housing sewage pipes.


Each apartment has a mains tap or stopcock. Some are difficult to locate in built-in kitchens. They are located next to vertical shafts carrying mains water pipes and soil pipes. If no access to apartment, water can be turned off inside of water meter wells.

Each vertical group (stack) of apartments has one shared water utility well. This is where another set mains taps and water meters (if installed) are located. Water to each apartment can be turned off in those wells.


Wells have heavy lids - require two people to lift. Where there is no meter it is a matter of trial and error to find which tap turns off water to a right apartment. South East Water has a list of meter numbers for each apartment.