Privacy Policy and Notice

This is the privacy notice of website


This privacy notice aims to inform you about how we collect and process any information that we collect from you, or that you provide to us.

We are committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information. Our policy is not just an exercise in complying with the law, but a continuation of our respect for you and your personal information.

Our policy complies with the Data Protection Act 2018 (Act) accordingly incorporating the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The law requires us to tell you about your rights and our obligations to you in regard to the processing and control of your personal data. We do this now, by requesting that you read the information provided at

Except as set out below, we do not share, or sell, or disclose to a third party, any information collected through our website.

Data we process

We may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about you. We have collated these into groups as follows:

Your identity includes information such as first name, last name, title, and other identifiers that you may have provided at some time.

Your contact information includes information such as contact address, email address, telephone numbers and any other information you have given to us for the purpose of communication or meeting.

Technical data includes your internet protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this website.

Information we process with your consent

We may use it in order to:
1.provide you with information.
2.provide you with suggestions and advice how to obtain the most from using our website. We continue to process your information until you withdraw your consent or it can be reasonably

assumed that your consent no longer exists.
You may withdraw your consent at any time by instructing us.

We may process information on the basis there is a legitimate interest, either to you or to us, of doing so.

For example, we may process your data on this basis for the purposes of: record-keeping for the proper and necessary administration of our website; responding to unsolicited communication from you to which we believe you would expect a response; protecting and asserting the legal rights of any party; insuring against or obtaining professional advice that is required to manage organisational risk; protecting your interests where we believe we have a duty to do so.

Information we process because we have a legal obligation

Sometimes, we must process your information in order to comply with a statutory obligation.

For example, we may be required to give information to legal authorities if they so request or if they have the proper authorisation.

This may include your personal information.

Specific uses of information you provide to us

Information provided on the understanding that it may be shared with a third party. In posting personal information, it is up to you to satisfy yourself about the privacy level of every person who might use it.

We do not specifically use this information except to allow it to be displayed or shared. We do store it, and we reserve a right to use it in the future in any way we decide.

Once your information enters the public domain, we have no control over what any individual third party may do with it. We accept no responsibility for their actions at any time.

Provided your request is reasonable and there is no legal basis for us to retain it, then at our discretion we may agree to your request to delete personal information that you have posted.

Complaints regarding content on our website

We attempt to moderate user generated content, but we are not always able to do so as soon as that content is published.

If you complain about any of the content on our website, we shall investigate your complaint.

Free speech is a fundamental right, so we have to make a judgment as to whose right will be obstructed: yours, or that of the person who posted the content that offends you.

If we think your complaint is vexatious or without any basis, we shall not correspond with you about it.

Communicating with us

When you contact us, through our website or by e-mail, we collect the data you have given to us in order to reply with the information you need.


Your web browser should allow you to delete any you choose. It also should allow you to prevent or limit their use.Our website uses cookies. They are placed by software that operates on our servers, and by software operated by third parties whose services we use.

Personal identifiers from your browsing activity

Requests by your web browser to our servers for web pages and other content on our website are recorded.We record information such as your geographical location, and your IP address.

We use this information in aggregate to assess the popularity of the webpages on our website and how we perform in providing content to you. If combined with other information we know about

you from previous visits, the data possibly could be used to identify you personally.

Third party advertising on our website

Third parties may advertise on our website using their own technology. We do not have control over these technologies or the data that these parties obtain. Accordingly, this privacy notice does not cover the information practices of these third parties.

Data may be processed outside the European Union Our websites are hosted in UK.

We may also use outsourced services in countries outside the European Union from time to time in other aspects of our business.

For example, some of the software our website uses may have been produced outside of EU.

Your duty to inform us of changes

It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes.

Retention period for personal data

Except as otherwise mentioned in this privacy notice, we keep your personal information only for as long as required by us to provide you with the services you have requested or to support a claim or

defence in court.

Compliance with the law

Our privacy policy has been compiled so as to comply with the law of United Kingdom. However, ultimately it is your choice as to whether you wish to use our website.

Review of this privacy policy

We may update this privacy notice from time to time as necessary.

The terms that apply to you are those posted here on our website on the day you use our website. We advise you to print a copy for your records.

If you have any question regarding our privacy policy, please contact us.